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Chiropractic & Arthritis

Chiropractic has long given relief from symptoms of arthritis. There is a vicious cycle of pain and loss of mobility that comes with arthritis. It works like this; You have arthritis and as a result joint pain, the joint pain causes you to move less, because you move less there is loss of mobility, as you lose mobility your arthritis worsens and you have more pain, the joint pain causes you to move less... and on and on. Chiropractic works against arthritis to improve mobility and lessen pain. It works like this; You receive a chiropractic adjustment, the adjustment increases the range of motion in the arthritic joint, increased movement without pain means you will move more, when you move more arthritis is slowed or halted from progressing (some effects of arthritis are even reversed), you receive a chiropractic adjustment, the adjustment increases mobility... and so on. So instead of following a negative feedback loop and getting worse and worse chiropractic helps you to follow a positive feedback loop and get better and better.